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Wildlife of Costa Rica

Squirrel Monkey Long-nosed Bats Howler Monkey
Howler Monkey Spider Monkey Spider Monkey
Squirrel Monkey Howler Monkey White-nosed Coati
White-noted Coati Cows Tent-making Bats
Albino Howler Monkey Mantled Howler Monkey Sloth
White-headed Capuchin Monkey Spider Monkey

Crested Caracara Bare-Throated Tiger Heron Brown Pelican
Scarlet Macaw Bare-Throated Tiger Heron Juv. Passerinis Tanager
Great Egret Anhinga Green Kingfisher
Wood Stork Chesnut Mandibled Toucan Common potoo
Roadside Hawk Great Curassow Male Turkey Vulture
Chesnut Mandibled Toucan Little Blue Heron Crested Caracara
Tropical Kingbird Red-brested Blackbird Yellow headed Caracara
Tiger Heron Magnificient Frigate Bird Roadside Hawk
Scarlet Macaws Great Curassow female White Ibis
Smooth billed Ani Lineated Woodpecker Black throated Trogon
Black throated Trogon Golden Naped Woodpecker Mangrove Black Hawk
Little Blue Heron Black Vulture Summer Tanager
Wood Stork Snowy Egret Jicana
White Ibis Immature Wood Storks Egret
Great Egret Roseate Spoonbill
Hummingbird Blue Heron Duck
RedloredParrots WhiteIbis BlueHeron SreechOwl AmazonKingfisher
TigerHeron MealyParrot BlueCrownedMotmot TurquoiseCotinga Toucan

Iguana Green Iguana Iguana
Emerald Basilisk Jesus Christ Lizard

Bull Frog Red-Eyed Tree Frogs Tiny Frog
Frog Masked Puddle Frog

Morpho Butterfly Leaf Cutter Ants Golden Orb Spider
Whip Spider Small Tarantula Morpho Butterfly
Small Scorpion Beatle
Cypress Caterpillar Cypress Caterpillar Fake Scorpion Spider Mantis

Marine Species
Green Turtle Spotted Dolphin Bottlenosed Dolphins
Crocodile Turtle Caiman Babies
Caiman Caiman


Ferdelance(Baby) Ferdelance
