Day1: Mountain top sunrise to Beach sunset
After we landed in Seattle around mid-day, we drove to Port Angeles. It is a bigger city with many amenities and had a small park along the beachside. Our arrival was in time to see the Sunset in Port Angeles beach. So, we loitered around to relax from the long drive, sat down a bit to enjoy the Sunset and checked in to hotel for the night.
Next day morning, left the hotel at 6 to get to the top of Olympic Mountain by 6:45 AM. During the drive up there in the dark, we hardly saw any vehicles in that windy road uphill. When we reached the top where the visitor center was supposed to be, we saw an almost empty parking lot with vehicles slowly trickling in. Apparently, the visitor center was damaged in the wildfire earlier and they had made a makeshift center and bathroom in trailers.We roamed around a bit to see where would be get a good view of the sunrise and decided to take Sunrise point trail. The way up was pretty well paved until we approached the top and then the path was a bit rocky. We had almost clear skies with minimal clouds set for a perfect Sunrise. Given the time of the year, it is highly unlikely that there would be a better visibility of the horizon. Chilly a bit with temperature showing 32F. Sunrise provided for a spectacular opportunity in that serene atmosphere. There were only a few people around and we had plenty of space for ourselves to get the view of the rising Sun!
Our next stop was to Crescent Lake and Marymere Falls. We parked our car near Storm King Ranger’s Station and took the trail to Marymere Falls. The trail takes you through a heavily wooded are with giant trees, probably primary forests! This area also looked like a rain forest, which we later found to be a type of rain forest called ‘Temperate Rainforest’. There were two viewpoints to the falls and you can take the trail as a loop. The trail is a very easy hike for all ages.
On the way
back, we took the trail through the Crescent Lake Lodge. From the lake beach,
you can see how the tall hills had locked the lake and it provided for a
peaceful setting to relax for some time. Once you leave the lodge area and take
the trail to ranger station, it follows along the lakeshore for a while and
again we enter the old-growth forest areas with huge trees. There we could see
signs of logging industry’s remnants as tree stumps. Logging was once allowed
here apparently, centuries ago.
Day 2: Beach day!
As the day before was very long and eventful, we started in relaxed manner and headed to Ruby beach. This beach sand reminded of the Black Beach in Iceland again but with calmer ocean. Similar to Rialto, there were trolls but the sand was a bit finer. It was high tide. So, didn’t get a chance to see tidal pools. It was peaceful stroll with perfect blue skies and temperature.
On the way to visitor center, we saw a
freshly downed tall tree that was sawed out to open up the width of the road.
Later we found out that this happened only 3 weeks ago and it delayed the
visitors by 5-6 hours to get out as the crews worked to chain saw the trunk!
Once reaching the Hoh Rain Forest, we saw how packed the parking area was.
Luckily, we found one along the roadside on the way out, not far from the
visitor center. We took the Hall of Mosses trail and got to join the ranger
narrated tour. Quite a bit of interesting information was shared by the young
ranger. 3 main types of trees could be found there: Western hemlock, Douglas
Fir, Sitka Spruce trees and they had 500-700 years life span. And, it takes
another 500-700 years to decay after they fall or die naturally. Then they
become what you call ‘nursing logs’ where other trees start to grow from seeds.
They have enough nutrition for these new trees to grow. The ranger also said
that these trees connect/communicate through their root systems and canopies. For
such tall trees, it was interesting to note that they had only shallow roots. The
ranger was mentioning about a slug called Banana slug – its yellow color giving its name. One of the tourists
pointed out to a banana slug along by the side!
It was now low tide time and first beach didn’t seem to have a rocky shore. So, we headed to Second Beach and took the 0.8-mile hike down to the shore from the parking lot. Once we got to the beach, it was an out of the world sight with low tide leaving glistening sand beach with many exposed rocky mounds. In the crevices were plenty of sea anemones and starfishes of different colors. The reflections of rocks on the glassy black sand with sun approaching the horizon, it was an unforgettable scenery. Thin layer of water left behind by the tides with sun on its way to disappear behind the horizon provided for a great visual treat. Our cameras were able to capture only a fraction of that experience! Decided to trek back to car before the sunset so that we didn’t have to scale the hike in darkness.
Day 3: Kalaloch beaches
The next day, we checked out of the cabin and drove towards Paradise, for our next visit to Mount Rainier NP. We had to drive back some of the same route as the previous day but made a point to visit beaches in the Kalaloch area that we didn’t get to see the day before. It was an overcast day with occasional drizzle.
From the Kalaloch Campground
entrance, we accessed the beach and saw an interesting tree perched between two
mounds of sand hill – ‘Tree of life’!
Passed the Capital of Washington, Olympia, on the way to Paradise Inn, our stay for next 3 days. It was run by Ukrainians.
Important lesson: Be sure to have a
plan to fuel the car and stomach! This might be the case because we visited in
late September/ early October which seems to be off-season!
Had a wonderful breakfast at Paradise Inn to start the day which was completely overcast with occasional drizzle. Sun was behind a thick blanket of clouds struggling to show its rays. We started driving and entered the park via the Nisqually entrance hoping that it would clear up as the day grows. We made stops at Cascade Falls and Narada Falls. While the falls were perfect to visit given the overcast weather, we had to take a decision whether to go to Paradise or Sunrise as it didn’t seem likely that we will have good views to hike to Panorama point from Paradise.
Then, headed to Tipsoo Lake. This lake provided for amazing views within a short stroll around its beautiful perimeter. It was getting closer to sunset and so we decided to get out of the park before dark to avoid all the winding roads. Google maps led us to a closed road from Packwood and we lost an hour. Luckily, there was someone at the road closure who gave us some directions to get back to Ashford!
Started the next day very relaxed and
saw the day had some clear skies. Our first stop was at Reflection Lake. Due to
the breezy conditions, the lake was nothing but still and the Mount Rainier
didn’t get any reflection. We spent a few minutes and decided to hit the
Panorama point to take the Skyline Trail. The parking lot was overflowing with
Skyline Trail –
This trail had good amount of traffic and the fall colors were in full bloom. The beauty of the landscape along this trail cannot be fully explained in words. The blue skies, in full contrast to the day before, accentuated the beauty.

The stream of glacier water that was trickling all along the trail side became a fall at ‘Myrtle Falls’. The views of the Falls with Mount Rainier in the backdrop with fall-colored bushes everywhere in between provided for a very picturesque setting! By the time we reached the parking lot, our devices showed ~5.5 miles of trek, but we didn’t feel much tired. It was a relatively easy hike but the breathtaking views eased the journey to great extent!
After we reached the parking lot, there
was still some daylight left and we decided to head back to the Reflection Lake
again to try our luck. It proved to be a good decision as the water was much
more still providing for a wonderful reflection of the Mount Rainier. Some
photographers were ready with the equipment to capture the pinkish sky that
created a pink hue of the glaciers on the Mount Rainier which in turn created a
calming reflection in the lake.
Day5-6: Leavenworth, Index and Seattle
We checked out of the Paradise Inn, had our breakfast at Copper Creek
Inn and headed to Leavenworth. We took the directions via Tacoma & I90
as the other direction was through the park and it would have taken much
longer. Majority of the drive was through heavy traffic around the Tacoma area.
Leavenworth is a town artificially made to mimic a Bavarian town to attract tourists. 5-6 blocks of touristy stores are what attracts the crowd. Pretty much all the stores in the town, including Starbucks and Safeway had a façade imitating a Bavarian German style building. In the hindsight, what we thought was this town could have been a ‘filler’ if we had nothing else to do as we would have loved to spend more time in the National Parks.
As we approached the sunset, we decided leave Leavenworth to get to Index, WA where we planned to stay for the night at Bush House Inn. This is apparently a historic site operating since 1898. It was located in a quaint little village nestled between a river and mountain ranges.
The drive from Leavenworth to Index started with overcast skies in beautiful roadway on the mountainside. As we moved towards Index, the weather got really wild and stormy. The highway is 6-8 lanes winding through tall mountains. The beauty of the fall colors in the mountains peeped through the foggy and rainy weather in many spots.
The first stop was at the Kerry Park. The
relatively clear skies provided a great view of Seattle with the Space Needle
and the brilliant backdrop of Mount Rainier by the side. The weather turned out
to be great for outdoors and we decided to venture some time at the Pike Place
Market area. The new architecture built recently that includes the waterfront
around and the Pike Place in the middle was easily accessible for all visitors
and provided a vibrant atmosphere with heavy crown due to the weekend.
We tasted some pastries at the Russian bakery Piroshky Piroshky, outside of which there was a huge line. Similarly, the Hellenika Creamery where we tasted some cultured gelato was also heavily swamped. Both these eateries were very close to the Original Starbucks store where the queue was even bigger that would have taken an hour at least!
After this, we were approaching Sunset and thought Kerry
Park would be a nice place to view the sunset and headed there. It was not
disappointing at all and made us felt that the decision was worth it!
And, that would be a wrap for this trip!!
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